Life is a test
I never seem to get right
My right foot wants to go left
My left wants to go right
I’ve pushed away the women I’ve loved
And insisted with ones that I’ve not
I’ve self-inflicted pain and lived rough
Despite the sun the rain won’t stop
This madness is a curse
That keeps my world spinning
I find that more is less
And I am happiest when not sinning
But the belly of the Beast
Is where I hail from
Sin is at the centre of the table’s feast
And the devil’s skin is worn to prom
A dress to impress the shady Lord
But God is unimpressed with this sham
The black blade of their shiny swords
Slay His innocent lambs
If I am blind then kindly give me sight
The darkness I’ve come to dread
So let me draw closer to your light
Forgive me of my wrongs and regrets
Allow me to lay my head to rest tonight
And I will be quite content
Be it only for a single night
To sleep upon your doorstep